
[db:作者] - 2020-11-20



- 35 sessions with over 50 hours of both LIVE and on demand streaming, and access to a global line-up of leading experts in CGT translation
- 6 LIVE broadcasted Plenary Sessions focusing on the latest translation advancements from basic research, pre-clinical studies and clinical trials for a variety of therapeutic modalities including MSCs, immune effector cells, exosomes, gene-engineered cells, and iPSCs
- Chief Scientific Officer Showcase on COVID-19 reporting from the front lines
- Hot topics in Strategies for Commercialization and Quality and Operations
- 500+ abstracts discussing the latest data and research outputs from your peers within an interactive platform
- Networking opportunities with 1800+ global CGT professionals
- B2B opportunities with an interactive exhibit floor and partnering forum to set up 1 on 1 or group meetings
- Ability to chat in 39 languages (with live instantaneous translation) with exhibitors, in public session chats, and one-on-one 

届时,富士胶片集团成员 - 全球领先的细胞培养基产品服务供应商FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific(富士胶片欧文科技)将携全线生物制药和细胞治疗培养基产品(如下)以演讲赞助形式参与此次盛会,FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific (富士胶片欧文科技)公司研发科学家将做题为“Benchtop to bioreactor: T-cell culture and expansion in chemically defined media”的Poster Presentation,届时将和听众分享FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific (富士胶片欧文科技)在新一代无血清、化学成分限定的T细胞治疗培养基和无血清细胞冻存液开发方面的新数据。

FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific(富士胶片欧文科技)是全球领先的专注于细胞培养产品创新研发和生产的高科技公司,具有超过45年的历史,在工业细胞培养、辅助生殖、细胞治疗和细胞遗传学等领域,持续为全世界的科研、工业客户及临床医生提供高质量、可靠的产品和灵活、定制化的优异服务。公司始终遵从国际ISO和FDA的严格监管,并在美国加州和日本东京同时拥有国际一流的cGMP干粉培养基生产设施。


如果您对FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific(富士胶片欧文科技)公司的细胞治疗培养基产品有兴趣或希望申请免费样品测试,请邮件biopharma@fujifilm.com进行咨询,谢谢关注。


