[db:作者] - 2020-10-09
研讨会主题:Anti-thrombosis Effects and Mechanisms by Xueshuantong Capsule Under Different Flow Conditions
Xueshuantong capsule (XST) is a patented traditional Chinese medicine used for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis. The molecular mechanism of the anti-thrombotic effect of XST was investigated through the crosstalk among the platelets/leukocytes, endothelial cells (ECs), and flow shear stress. The BioFlux 1000z system was employed to generate two levels of shear stress conditions: 0.1 and 0.9 Pa. BioFlux Montage cell analysis software was used to analyze the adhesion cell numbers. Effects of XST on inhibiting platelet activation and suppressing platelets/leukocytes adhesion to injured ECs are not only concentration-dependent, but also shear stress dependent. Furthermore, we wonder whether effects of XST on shear-induced platelet aggregation are associated with Piezo1 protein, the potential mechanotransduction-module. The BioFlux 1000z system and high shear 48-well plates are utilized, and the microfluidic channels are coated with vWF.

中国中医科学院中药研究所 廖福龙研究员
1965年毕业于中国科学技术大学生物物理专业。1980-1982年在澳大利亚悉尼大学与悉尼医院进修生物流变学。多年来以学科交叉方式开展活血化瘀中药药理学研究,获国家中医药管理局和北京市科技进步奖各两项,国家专利两项,发表论文百余篇,编写专著12部。近十年来开拓了生物力药理学新领域,发文于药理学顶层杂志Trends in Pharmacological Sciences。任Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation杂志中国编委。曾任中药所药理研究室主任,院中药药理学科学术带头人,国际临床血液流变学会主席,国际生物流变学会副主席等。
中国中医科学院中药研究所 游云研究员
2006年获得中国中医科学院中药学博士。作为课题负责人承担国家自然科学基金2项、国家重大新药创制专项子课题1项、国家中医药管理局科研基金2项、北京市自然基金1项、中国中医科学院自主选题3项等,获北京市科技进步三等奖等4项,在Biorheology, Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation 和中国中药杂志等国际国内学术期刊发表论文50余篇,参编著作4部,获得发明国家专利1项。担任北京市生物医学工程学会中医工程专业委员会秘书,北京市中西医结合学会活血化瘀专业委员会委员。